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What's Right for Me?


2024 Annual Medical Check-up Program

HP 一直致力於守護您的健康與福祉,在 FY24 的年度健康檢查計畫裡,每位同仁健檢預算為 NT$7,000。

HP has always been dedicated to safeguarding your health and well-being. In our FY24 annual medical check-up program, we have allocated a budget of NT$7,000 for each employee's medical check-up.


【 FY24 健檢預約時間


【FY24 Medical Check-up Appointment】

From Apr 1 to Sep 30, 2024. You can make an appointment right after this announcement. Please do as early as possible because appointments may be difficult to obtain in later months.

【 FY24 健檢開放對象】

2024 年 07 月 31 日前 (含當日) 報到之HP台灣正職員工均可受檢。 Intern 、STT/ LTT (Inbound Assignee)  及員工之眷屬不在補助範圍,若有需要請自費受檢,仍可同享 HP 特約價。

【FY24 Medical Check-upEligibility】

All HP regular employees hired on and before July 31st, 2024 are eligible for the FY24 program.  Please note, the STT/ LTT inbound assignee, Intern and dependents are not eligible, but still can take exam with discounted package at own costs.


Medical Check-up Process and Procedures









Medical Check-up






Health check report



預約 Appointment


Please refer to the clinic's information for appointment booking (all medical check-up are conducted at the clinic/hospital), and confirm any self-paid items during the booking.


​問卷 Questionnaire


After making the reservation, please fill out the "Online Health Questionnaire."


​健檢日 Medical check-up day


關於費用:自行付款後,再拿收據向公司請款。 詳細請參考

Regarding leave: Employees can take a half-day paid time off to go for medical check-up at contract hospitals. Please inform your supervisor in advance. There is no need to apply for leave through the system.

Regarding fees: After making the payment, please bring the receipt to the company for reimbursement. For details, please refer to here.


​報到 Check-in


  • 健保卡

  • 醫院要求之檢體盒(依各家院所為主)

Remember to bring:

  • National Health Insurance Card

  • Specimen container as required by the hospital (depending on each institution)


​健檢報告 Medical check-up report

健檢報告約於 15 工作日後,由各醫院直接寄送至同仁健檢時登記之通訊地址。若逾時未收到,請直接向各醫院聯絡人查詢。

The medical check-up report will be sent directly to the mailing address of the colleague registered at the time of the medical check-up by the hospitals approximately 15 workdays later. If you have not received it after the deadline, please contact the respective hospital liaison directly for inquiries.


Cost Subsidies and Application


費用 Cost

每位員工標準檢查項目費用為 TWD7,000,請同仁先行付款。

The standard medical check-up fee per employee is TWD 7,000. Please make the payment first by yourself.

收據 Receipt

健檢收據抬頭請開您的中文全名 (legal name),不需要公司名稱以及統編。

Please issue the medical check-up receipt under your full legal name. Company name and tax ID are not required.


申請 Application

請附上收據正本作為審核之用,並將此收據正本以及列印後的報帳單郵寄至 EEM 報帳中心,申請時 Category 請選擇 「Medical Exams」,最後由您的主管核准。

請同仁務必在 2024 年 10 月 11 日前在 EEM 完成 FY24 體檢費用申請,逾期不予受理。

Please attach the original receipt for verification purposes and mail it along with the printed expense report to the EEM expense center. Please select 'Medical Exams' for the Category when making the application, and obtain approval from your supervisor.

Please ensure that all colleagues complete the FY24 medical check-up fee application to EEM by October 11, 2024. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

列舉扣除額 Deductions



According to the regulations of the National Taxation Bureau on itemized deductions for medical expenses, annual medical check-up cannot be listed as deductions for income tax purposes. Only medical check-up for medical purposes are considered eligible for itemized deduction as medical expenses. Please contact the National Taxation Bureau of Taipei, Ministry of Finance for any personal tax-related inquiries.

所得稅 Income Tax

根據國稅局的規定,公司補助之健檢費屬應稅所得,將納入同仁 2024 年度所得

According to the regulations of the National Taxation Bureau, the subsidized medical check-up fee provided by the company is considered taxable income and will be included in the 2024 annual income of the employees.



2024 年度健檢將於 4 月 1 日開始預約,建議同仁們提早完成預約,依職業安全衛生法第 20 條及勞工健康保護規則規範,在職員工應依下述規定,定期實施一般健康檢查,檢查紀錄雇主應予保存,而員工有接受的義務,員工未在規範內定期執行健康檢查,依職業安全衛生法第 46 條,中央機關可處罰鍰 :

  • 年滿六十五歲者,每年檢查一次。

  • 四十歲以上未滿六十五歲者,每三年檢查一次。

  • 未滿四十歲者,每五年檢查一次。

EHS 職護將依據「勞工健康保護規則第 9 條」的規定進行健康管理、健康指導及檢查結果異常者之追蹤,因此,健檢院所將提供給您法定項目檢查授權書,請務必填寫後回繳健檢院所。



The health check-up for the year 2024 will begin on April 1st. It is recommended that employees make their appointments early. According to Article 20 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Regulations on Occupational Safety and Health for Workers, employers are required to conduct regular general health checks for their employees, and the records of these checks must be retained by the employer. Employees are obligated to undergo these health checks. Failure of employees to undergo health checks as required may result in penalties according to Article 46 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The frequency of health checks is as follows:

  • Individuals aged 65 and above: Once a year.

  • Individuals aged over 40 but under 65: Once every three years.

  • Individuals under 40: Once every five years.

EHS nurses will conduct health management, health guidance, and follow-up on individuals with abnormal medical check-up results in accordance with Article 9 of the Regulations on Occupational Health Protection for Workers. Therefore, the health check-up institution will provide you with an authorization form for statutory item medical check-ups. Please be sure to fill it out and return it to the health check-up institution.

Each health check-up institution follows different methods for the government's four major cancer screenings under the National Health Insurance. For detailed information, please refer to the medical check-up information provided by each institution.

If you have any questions about the health check-up items and precautions, please feel free to ask the medical check-up unit when making the appointment. For other inquiries, please contact Thank you.



  • Q:FY24 健檢時程
    預約開始:即日起開放預約 執行期間:2024/4/1-9/30 🌺溫馨提醒🌺依照往年經驗,愈接近 9 月預約愈容易滿額,建議大家盡量在六月前完成預約與檢查,並於 9 月 30 日前完成檢查。
  • Q:若超過健檢規定時程,是否能申請延長預約?
    無法申請延長喔 因爲財務年度規定,預算核銷必須在指定時間內,建請同仁在指定時間內完成預約及體檢
  • Q:是否能夠先行核銷後再前往預約並執行健檢?
    無法先核銷再健檢喔。HP 與每個院所都有簽訂合作合約與時間,爲免同仁權益受損,因此建請同仁於指定時間內完成健檢與核銷工作 🌺溫馨提醒🌺 核銷最後期限為 2024/10/11
  • Q:收據是否需要開立統編?
    每位員工標準檢查項目費用為 TWD7,000,請同仁先付款,健檢收據抬頭請開您的中文全名(legal name),不需要公司名稱以及統編。
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